Raise your hand with gesture detection in Google Meet
Previously, raising your hand to ask a question in Google Meet was done by clicking the hand-raise icon. Now, you can also raise your physical hand and Meet will recognize it with gesture detection. To ensure the gesture is detected, make sure your camera is enabled and your hand is visible to the camera, away from your face and body. As an active speaker, the gesture detection will not be triggered; when you’re no longer the active speaker, gesture detection will resume.
In Google Docs, you can already insert smart chips for Docs, Sheets and Slides files, date chips, Calendar event chips, and more. Now, you can also insert smart chips for AppSheet content. These smart chips allow you to access AppSheet data directly into Docs — you’ll be able to view and take action on the data, including triggering automations, without having to leave Docs.
Google recently completed the migration of Reminders from Google Calendar and Google Assistant to Google Tasks in order to provide an easy way to view and manage all your to-dos in one place. To build upon this, Google is providing you with a full screen desktop experience to view all tasks together. You will now be able to see all your tasks and task lists in a single full screen view on Calendar web.
Following the recent announcement of home and mentions in Google Chat, Google is introducing starred on web. This feature enables you to “star” any messages in Chat for easy access via the starred shortcut in the navigation panel, and can be useful when you need to come back to a message later.