Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta
Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta, providing admins with enhanced visibility into the state of their data assets. By exporting this data into BigQuery, admins can gain a holistic view of how their data is classified, who can access it, and how it’s being used. Analyzing this data at scale helps admins address the challenge of understanding the full scope of their data assets, especially as it pertains to sensitive information and compliance with data policies.
Enable guardians to preview assigned classwork within Google Classroom
Currently, a teacher or school administrator can invite a guardian, typically a parent, to receive email summaries about their student’s work in class. These email summaries include a rundown of missing work, upcoming work and class activities, such as recently posted announcements or assignments in Google Classroom. Going forward, guardian email summaries will now include links that let guardians preview their student's Classwork pages, including assigned work and attachments provided by the teacher. With this update, guardians can stay up-to-date with what their students are learning.
Clearer re-enrollment for Google Meet hardware devices
Google is updating the way Google Meet hardware devices are re-enrolled to provide a more intuitive experience for administrators. Previously, if a device was re-enrolled without first being deprovisioned, the Admin console would reuse its existing record and device ID. Now, if you re-enroll a device without first deprovisioning it, the Admin console will create a completely new record with a new device ID. The old record will still be there, and you'll need to deprovision it to free up its license. Settings from the old record won't automatically carry over to the new one.
In 2022, Google introduced expanded support for composing with Markdown in Google Docs on web. Now, Google is introducing highly-requested features that enhance Docs' interoperability with other Markdown supporting tools. These include the ability to convert Markdown to Docs content on paste, copy Docs content as Markdown, export a Doc as Markdown, and import Markdown as a Doc.