Introducing the ability to ‘grade all’ in Google Classroom
With the new ‘grade all’ feature in Classroom, teachers can quickly and efficiently grade all students' work on the Gradebook page by selecting ‘grade all.’ They can also choose to override existing grades and automatically return them to students after grading. Not only does this update save time by eliminating the need to enter each student’s grade one-by-one, but it also provides a solution to grading assignments based on completion rather than accuracy where the grade is binary.
Generate vocabulary lists using Gemini in Google Classroom
Google is introducing a new way to generate vocabulary lists with the help of Gemini. Educators can now generate custom word lists that are tailored to specific grade levels and topics identified by the educator. Specifically, the list will provide the word’s grammatical category, a clear definition, and a relevant example sentence to help students understand and use the vocabulary effectively. This functionality is accessible via the “Gemini Education” tab in Google Classroom.
Updated smart feature settings give users increased choice and control
Google is updating the smart feature settings for Workspace to give users even more granular control over their data. Smart feature settings govern the degree of personalization a user wants, specifically how a user’s Workspace data may be used to personalize Workspace and other Google products. Turning on these features gives users a richer experience, allowing them to do everything from using Gemini in Workspace to reference Drive files right from Gmail, automatically adding events from Gmail to Calendar, or compiling loyalty cards and tickets from their inbox into Google Wallet, and more.
Prevent the downloading, printing, or copying of files by all users with Enhanced IRM for Google Drive Data-Loss Prevention
Google Drive’s Information Rights Management (IRM) capability protects documents from data exfiltration actions, specifically downloading, printing, and copying. This is useful for making sure that sensitive content is protected from data leakage. Historically, this feature has only been applicable to users with either the “viewer” or “commenter” role, which has left administrators unable to apply the setting to users with write permissions. To address this, Google is expanding IRM to be applicable to all users, including file writers and owners, when it is applied by a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) rule.